Having Millennials in the Workplace: The Advantages over Students

Many people whose age is now around 30 are afraid of competition with younger candidates in the labor market. And this appears because many employers prefer younger employees who they can teach how to work from the basis.
However, the millennials, a generation born between the early 80s and the beginning of the 00’s, have many advantages comparing to young and active students and graduates. We have gathered the main reasons why workers of the Y generation are better than students.

You can focus on those characteristics working on your work application. Doesn’t matter whether it is a developer or project manager CV those features will make it look better.

They Are Motivated and Focused

Studies show that most of the millennials consider personal development to be the main thing in the work and money is not the main motivation.

It is important for them to learn and contribute to the development of the company. This means that the main focus of such employee is the result of the work.

Experience and Education

Generation Y is called the most educated generation. You will say that the graduate of the university obviously has an education too. However, education together with life and professional experience makes from millennial a better candidate.

A person in their 30s already has at least five years of experience, which will help him to get acquired with a new job and start working effectively faster. He knows the basics of business, how to communicate with management and what is expected of him. Experience is priceless.

Loyalty and Awareness

If a millennial is looking for a new job, then he certainly does not plan to work for a couple of months and then get back to the search again.

The employer should understand that this person is interested in long-term work. It is important because most companies are interested in recruiting people for a long period. When a person is about 30 years old he is looking for stability in everything.

The family and the obligations connected with this is additional motivation in the search for a really long-term job. Such an employee will give his best to the company which in return will provide them with stability, comfort, and opportunities for growth.

Ability to Work in Team

A lot of people have this opinion of the millennials are a generation of egoists who are focused only on themselves. Which is not a truth. Millennials are really good at teamwork if it helps to achieve the best results at work. They understand the importance of collaboration with colleagues and successfully do it at work.


Many employers are more interested in students as candidates because the younger the person, the more flexible they are. This is important in order to teach them how to work as it is convenient for the company, according to internal rules and traditions.

However, millennials also have flexibility. After all, this generation which has been growing and living in the most developing era in the history.

It taught them to be flexible and change together with the world. Perhaps this is not the flexibility that most employers are looking for in the candidates, but it is much better. Millennials reject established rules and approaches to work in favor of new and more effective options.

Millennials are a generation of focused and result-oriented people who know exactly what they want from work and life in general.

If you are afraid of younger competitors, then it’s worth mentioning a couple of these characteristics from this list on your CV and interview. It will make the recruiter understand the value of having millennials as workers.